Mission Statement Enhancing and promoting a better quality of life for our businesses, residents, and visitors to Holbrook.
New Website
This past year the Chamber has elected to move over to a new program for member management that includes a new website. Along with this this change we have many more benefits that we can take advantage of. The new website is www.holbrookazchamber.org Although the transition has taken us a little time to get through, we are thrilled at what we are able to do. All our members should have received an email with your sign in information. This will allow you as a chamber member to access your information on our site and update it as needed. New members enrolling in 2020 will pay 24.95 on-boarding fee for the new members webpage benefits. Existing members are in the basic syste. You can enjoy the enhanced version of the webpage benefit by paying the on-boarding fee of $24.95. Please contact the chamber office at holbrookazchamber1@gmail.com for addtional informaiton.
Renewal Membership Dues We are currently renewing memberships. Invoicing was delayed as the membership management transition has taken place. We thank you for your patience through this and hope that you will find that the new system will keep our invoice on track moving forward. Although some of you were due for renewal, we maintained your status as current until we were able to complete the invoicing this month. We value our members and we want to continue to maintain our relationship with you. All past due membership dues and dues that are due up until March 31st have been sent out. If you have not received your invoice, please do not hesitate to contact the Chamber Director at holbrookazchamber1@gmail.com Invoices will be sent out each month that they become due. Payments can be made via the website, in person, mailed in check, or over the phone. Upcoming Chamber Events Holbrook Route 66 Car Show and Festival Old West Days Pictured: Adriel Jaime showing off his box car made just for the Route 66 Car Show and Festival Regular Chamber Meetings
The regular chamber meetings are held on the 3rd Wednesday of each month unless there is a holiday or conflicting community/school event in which the meeting will be moved back to the 4th Wednesday.
Meetings are generally held at 11 am at 100 E. Arizona Street in the Route 66 Auditorium unless otherwise decided month prior to meeting. Chamber Community Events
The chamber has board member led committees assigned to specific activities or events. All chamber members and interested community persons are welcomed to volunteer. There are many activities/events to choose from and many components that volunteers can be of great value.
The main event committee meets immediately after the regular meeting. The event specific committee meetings are held at various dates and times.
If you are interested in volunteering or have questions, please contact the chamber office at holbrookazhchamber1@gmail.com
Do you have news, an event, or special sales coming up? If you would like to share news, upcoming events or sales, please send the information to me and I would be glad to have it added to our newsletter. Our first official newsletter will be send out April 1, 2020. The following quarterlies will be sent on June 30, 2020 September 30,. 2020 and December 20, 2020.
HOLBROOK CHAMBER OF COMMERCE INC. Address: 100 E. Arizona Street, Holbrook, AZ 86025 Phone: 9258-524-6558 Cell: 928-241-1850 Office Hours: Tuesdays and Thursdays 10:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m. Email: holbrookazhchamber1@gmail.com website: www.holbrookazchamber.org